A collection of your favourite casino games and more, with over 30 leaderboards to compete in your server and globally!
No results found for that search.
The amount to bet. Use `m` for max and `a` for all in
mode STRING (optional)
Toggle hard mode (default: Easy Mode)
Help Text

Play a game of Blackjack (aka 21) - For full rules, see

Aces are 1 or 11, face cards are 10 and the rest use their number value.

Game consists of 6 decks shuffled together (312 cards, i.e. 24 Aces in play).

Blackjack = draw an ace and 10 or a face card on your first hand. Game ends immediately with an additional 50% added to the winnings.

Dealer Blackjack = dealer draws an ace and 10 or face card on their first hand. Game ends immediately as a loss.


Odds: 3:2
Your current count is shown like 5 (14) where the number in brackets is shown when you have an Ace and indicates what the value would be if you were to use it as value 11 (i.e. soft hand).

Odds: 2:1
No totals are shown, you must add the values yourself

Win XP: 100

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot blackjack <bet> [hard | h]
@Rocket Gambling Bot bj <bet> [hard | h]

@Rocket Gambling Bot bj 1000
@Rocket Gambling Bot bj 1k h
prediction STRING
Choose whether you think the coin will be heads or tails
The amount to bet. Use `m` for max and `a` for all in
Help Text

Flip a coin!

Odds: 1:1
Win XP: 100

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot coinFlip <heads|tails> <bet>
@Rocket Gambling Bot cf <heads|tails> <bet>

@Rocket Gambling Bot coinFlip heads 1k
@Rocket Gambling Bot cf t 1k
@Rocket Gambling Bot cf h 1k
Help Text

Play a game of Connect 4 with a friend (or foe!!!!)

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot connectFour 
@Rocket Gambling Bot c4 
@Rocket Gambling Bot connect4 
The amount to bet. Use `m` for max and `a` for all in
mode STRING (optional)
Toggle hard mode (default: Easy Mode)
Help Text

The game starts with a x1 multiplier which goes up every few seconds.

Every time it tries to jump up, there's a 10% chance it will CRASH 💥 and you'll lose your bet!

Hit 🛑 before that happens and you win bet x multiplier!

Hard Mode

The game is the same but it doesn't tell you the multiplier or if it's crashed, you just react at some point within the 2 minute game timer and find out if you won and how much!

The multiplier goes up twice as fast and the chance of crashing stays at 10%

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot crash <bet> [hard | h]
@Rocket Gambling Bot cr <bet> [hard | h]

@Rocket Gambling Bot crash 1k
@Rocket Gambling Bot crash 1k hard
@Rocket Gambling Bot cr 5k
@Rocket Gambling Bot cr 5k h
The amount to bet. Use `m` for max and `a` for all in
mode STRING (optional)
Toggle hard mode (default: Easy Mode)
Help Text

The aim of the game is simple - Find the lady among the kings!

Play easy mode with 3 cards or hard mode with 5 cards!

Start the game, wait for the shuffle then pick a card - if you find the lady, you win!


  • easy - 1:3
  • hard - 1:5
Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot findTheLady <bet> [hard | h]
@Rocket Gambling Bot ftl <bet> [hard | h]

@Rocket Gambling Bot findTheLady 1k
@Rocket Gambling Bot ftl 1k
@Rocket Gambling Bot findTheLady 1k hard
@Rocket Gambling Bot ftl 1k h
The amount to bet. Use `m` for max and `a` for all in
mode STRING (optional)
Toggle hard mode (default: Easy Mode)
Help Text

For the indecisive gambler - play one of the games in the bot, chosen at random!

Games will automatically pick one of the things you normally have to type (e.g. for roulette it always picks black).

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot gamble <bet> [hard | h]
@Rocket Gambling Bot g <bet> [hard | h]
@Rocket Gambling Bot play <bet> [hard | h]

@Rocket Gambling Bot gamble 100
@Rocket Gambling Bot gamble 100 hard
@Rocket Gambling Bot g 100
@Rocket Gambling Bot g 100 h
Help Text

Play a game of higher or lower. Guess the next card drawn to keep playing!

Payout: 100 x Score
XP: 10 x Score

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot higherOrLower 
@Rocket Gambling Bot hol 
The amount to bet. Use `m` for max and `a` for all in
bonus STRING (optional)
The amount to bet on the bonus hand. Use `m` for max and `a` for all in
Help Text

Play a game of Texas Hold'em Bonus versus the dealer!

Ante bet:
Your ante bet is buy-in to see your 2 cards.
You can fold if your hand is terrible and lose your bet.

To play, you must then bet an additional 2 x your ante bet
This will show the 3 river cards.

You can then bet or check two more times as two additional cards are shown.

If your best 5 card hand beats the dealers, you get a payout based on the table


  • Bet 100 ante to start
  • Bet 2x ante (200) to play
  • Bet 1x ante (100)
  • Bet 1x ante (100)
  • Win/lose (500 total)

Bonus bet
The bonus bet is based purely on the dealer and player hands, ignoring the river cards.

If you fold, check, or lose on the ante bets, you can still win the bonus bet which pays out based on the pay table.

All In
All in bets will skip straight to the end of the game (with no chance to fold, bet or check) with a doubled payout. E.g. a royal flush on all in would pay out 10:1

You cannot go all in and bet on bonus at the same time.

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot poker <ante> [<bonus>]
@Rocket Gambling Bot pkr <ante> [<bonus>]

@Rocket Gambling Bot pkr 100
@Rocket Gambling Bot poker 100 100
@Rocket Gambling Bot poker max
@Rocket Gambling Bot poker max max
@Rocket Gambling Bot poker allIn
racer-type STRING
The type of racer to use
prediction NUMBER
Which racer you think will win
The amount to bet. Use `m` for max and `a` for all in
Help Text

Race turtles, dogs, horses or DINOSAURS!!!


🐢 turtle [t]
Odds: 3:1
3 racers

🐕 dog [d]
Odds: 5:1
5 racers

🏇 horse [h]
Odds: 8:1
8 racers

🦖 dinosaur [di]
Odds: 12:1
12 racers

XP: 100

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot race <type> <1-12> <bet>
@Rocket Gambling Bot r <type> <1-12> <bet>

@Rocket Gambling Bot race turtle 3 100
@Rocket Gambling Bot race dog 5 100
@Rocket Gambling Bot race horse 8 100
@Rocket Gambling Bot race dinosaur 12 100
@Rocket Gambling Bot r t 3 1k
@Rocket Gambling Bot r di 12 1k
dice-type STRING
The type of dice to roll
prediction NUMBER
What number will the dice land on?
The amount to bet. Use `m` for max and `a` for all in
Help Text

Roll a dice and bet on the result!

Dice Types

  • d4
  • d6
  • d8
  • d10
  • d12
  • d20

Payout = diceMax:1 (e.g. for d20, payout is 20:1)

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot rollDice <diceType> <prediction> <bet>
@Rocket Gambling Bot roll <diceType> <prediction> <bet>
@Rocket Gambling Bot ro <diceType> <prediction> <bet>
@Rocket Gambling Bot rd <diceType> <prediction> <bet>
@Rocket Gambling Bot dr <diceType> <prediction> <bet>
@Rocket Gambling Bot diceRoll <diceType> <prediction> <bet>
@Rocket Gambling Bot dice <diceType> <prediction> <bet>

@Rocket Gambling Bot rollDice d4 3 1k
@Rocket Gambling Bot roll d20 20 1k
prediction STRING
What roulette bet you'd like to place (e.g. black, red, green, 0, 1-10 etc.)
The amount to bet. Use `m` for max and `a` for all in
Help Text

Play a game of roulette!


  • 0
  • 00
  • 1 through 36
  • red
  • black
  • green
  • 1stHalf (1-18)
  • 2ndHalf (19-36)
  • 1st12 (1-12)
  • 2nd12 (13-24)
  • 3rd12 (25-36)
  • 1stCol (col1)
  • 2ndCol (col2)
  • 3rdCol (col3)
  • 1,6,12 i.e. comma separated numbers
  • 1-23 i.e. ranges

You can bet on half the numbers at a time (i.e. 1-18), any more than that and the odds are too low to pay anything out (i.e. you will always lose) so the bot prevents you doing this.

The roulette table used for this game can be seen at the bottom of this message.

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot roulette <prediction> <bet>
@Rocket Gambling Bot rou <prediction> <bet>

@Rocket Gambling Bot roulette red 1k
@Rocket Gambling Bot rou 0 1k
@Rocket Gambling Bot rou 00 1k
@Rocket Gambling Bot rou 1 1k
@Rocket Gambling Bot rou 1,3,5 1k
@Rocket Gambling Bot rou 1-10 1k
selection STRING
Your choice of Rock, Paper or Scissors
The amount to bet. Use `m` for max and `a` for all in
Help Text

Play a game of rock paper scissors against the bot!


  • rock [r]
  • paper [p]
  • scissors [s]

Odds: 3:2
Win XP: 100

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot rockPaperScissors <type> <bet>
@Rocket Gambling Bot rps <type> <bet>

@Rocket Gambling Bot rockPaperScissors rock 1k
@Rocket Gambling Bot rps r 1k
@Rocket Gambling Bot rps s 1k
prediction STRING
What do you think it will land on?
The amount to bet. Use `m` for max and `a` for all in
Help Text

Play a game of sevens!

Pick low (1-6), high (8-13) or 7 and if the ball lands on your prediction, you win the payout!


  • 7 - Payout 10:1
  • low - Payout 2:1
  • high - Payout 2:1
Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot sevens <prediction> <bet>
@Rocket Gambling Bot sv <prediction> <bet>

@Rocket Gambling Bot sevens low 1k
@Rocket Gambling Bot sv low 1k
@Rocket Gambling Bot sv l 1k
@Rocket Gambling Bot sv high 1k
@Rocket Gambling Bot sv h 1k
@Rocket Gambling Bot sv 7 1k
The amount to bet. Use `m` for max and `a` for all in
Help Text

Try your luck in the slots!

The best odds match will be selected so if you get 3 bells and 2 bars, the payout will be for 2 bars.


x 3 = 500:1
x 2 = 25:1

x 3 = 25:1
x 2 = 10:1

x 3 = 5:1
x 2 = 3:1

x 3 = 3:1
x 2 = 2:1

x 3 = 2:1
x 2 = 1:1

x 3 = 1:1
x 2 = 1:1

x 2 = 1:1
x 3 = 3:4

x 2 = 3:4
x 3 = 1:2

x 3 = 1:2
x 2 = 1:4

No match = 0

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot slots <bet>
@Rocket Gambling Bot sl <bet>
@Rocket Gambling Bot slot <bet>

@Rocket Gambling Bot sl 1k
@Rocket Gambling Bot slots 1k
Help Text

Play a game of tic-tac-toe with a friend (or foe!!!!)

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot tictactoe 
@Rocket Gambling Bot ttt 
@Rocket Gambling Bot tictactoe 
Help Text

View or activate your boosts!

All boosts stacks and using more than one of a boost will add to the duration or uses (i.e. you won't lose anything by using multiple boosts).

boost STRING
Select the boost you want to activate
amount STRING (optional)
Enter the number of boosts to activate
Help Text

View or activate your boosts!

All boosts stacks and using more than one of a boost will add to the duration or uses (i.e. you won't lose anything by using multiple boosts).

item_id STRING
The item to buy
amount STRING
The amount to buy - use 'a' to buy all
Help Text

Buy items from the shop(s) in the bot

unit_id STRING
The unit to buy
amount STRING
The amount to buy - use 'a' to buy all
Help Text

Buy items from the shop(s) in the bot

amount STRING
The amount to buy - use 'a' to buy all
Help Text

Buy items from the shop(s) in the bot

amount STRING
The amount to buy - use 'a' to buy all
Help Text

Buy items from the shop(s) in the bot

boost_id STRING
The boost to buy
amount STRING
The amount to buy - use 'a' to buy all
Help Text

Buy items from the shop(s) in the bot

detailed STRING (optional)
Show exact expiry times for cooldowns
Help Text

Lists any active cooldowns you currently have, showing the relative time. Call with detailed or d to show the end time for explicitness

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot cooldowns [detailed | d]
@Rocket Gambling Bot cd [detailed | d]
@Rocket Gambling Bot c [detailed | d]

@Rocket Gambling Bot cooldowns
@Rocket Gambling Bot cooldowns detailed
@Rocket Gambling Bot cd
@Rocket Gambling Bot cd d
Help Text

Collect your daily ration of cash.

This will be a random amount between 1,000 - 5,000 (multiplied by your cash multiplier if you donated)

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot daily 
recipient MENTION (optional)
The user to receive the free gift
Help Text

Send up to five free gifts every 12 hours!

Gifts don't cost you anything and you can't give all three gifts to the same person.

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot gift [idOrMention]
@Rocket Gambling Bot gifts [idOrMention]

@Rocket Gambling Bot gifts
@Rocket Gambling Bot gift @mention
@Rocket Gambling Bot gift 123123123123123
Help Text

List your daily goals!

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot goals 
@Rocket Gambling Bot tasks 
@Rocket Gambling Bot t 

@Rocket Gambling Bot goals
leaderboard STRING
The leaderboard to choose
global STRING (optional)
Whether to show global scores
Help Text

Show the leaderboard for a game!

Call with g at the end to show global leaderboards

leaderboard STRING
The leaderboard to choose
global STRING (optional)
Whether to show global scores
Help Text

Show the leaderboard for a game!

Call with g at the end to show global leaderboards

leaderboard STRING
The leaderboard to choose
global STRING (optional)
Whether to show global scores
Help Text

Show the leaderboard for a game!

Call with g at the end to show global leaderboards

leaderboard STRING (optional)
The leaderboard to choose
global STRING (optional)
Whether to show global scores
Help Text

Show the leaderboard for a game!

Call with g at the end to show global leaderboards

The user to look up
page STRING (optional)
The sub-page to show
Help Text

Show the stats for a given player including cash, top scores and experience, mine information and inventory

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot lookup <idOrMention> [score | stats | mine | inventory]
@Rocket Gambling Bot find <idOrMention> [score | stats | mine | inventory]

@Rocket Gambling Bot lookup @Rocket
@Rocket Gambling Bot lookup 800383254389194754
@Rocket Gambling Bot lookup @Rocket score
@Rocket Gambling Bot lookup @Rocket stats
@Rocket Gambling Bot lookup @Rocket mine
@Rocket Gambling Bot lookup @Rocket inventory
@Rocket Gambling Bot lookup @Rocket achievements
@Rocket Gambling Bot lookup @Rocket achievements items
tickets_to_buy STRING (optional)
The number of tickets to buy. Use 'm' to buy max
Help Text

Participate in the weekly lottery!

Tickets cost 1,000 and each person can buy a maximum of 1,000

Draws are on Saturday at 11:00am

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot lotto [<numTicketsToBuy>]
@Rocket Gambling Bot lottery [<numTicketsToBuy>]
@Rocket Gambling Bot ticket [<numTicketsToBuy>]
@Rocket Gambling Bot tickets [<numTicketsToBuy>]

@Rocket Gambling Bot lotto
@Rocket Gambling Bot lotto 10
Help Text

Collect your monthly ration of cash.

This will be a random amount between 100,000 - 500,000 (multiplied by your cash multiplier if you donated)

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot monthly 
@Rocket Gambling Bot patron 
Help Text

Put in some extra time at work.

This will be a random amount between 500 - 1,000 (multiplied by your cash multiplier if you donated)

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot overtime 
@Rocket Gambling Bot ot 
The type of prestige
Help Text

Prestige your mine to get some and increase your prestige count to make your way up the mine prestige leaderboard!

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot prestige 
page STRING (optional)
The sub-page to show
Help Text

Show your player stats including cash, top scores and experience

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot me [score | stats | mine]
@Rocket Gambling Bot bal [score | stats | mine]
@Rocket Gambling Bot balance [score | stats | mine]
@Rocket Gambling Bot profile [score | stats | mine]
@Rocket Gambling Bot my [score | stats | mine]

@Rocket Gambling Bot me
@Rocket Gambling Bot my score
@Rocket Gambling Bot my stats
@Rocket Gambling Bot my mine
@Rocket Gambling Bot my achievements
@Rocket Gambling Bot my achievements items
item_id STRING
The item to sell
amount STRING
The amount to sell - use 'a' to sell all
Help Text

Sell items from the shop(s) in the bot

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot sell <id> <amount>
@Rocket Gambling Bot s <id> <amount>

@Rocket Gambling Bot sell 1 yoyo
@Rocket Gambling Bot sell yoyo 1
recipient MENTION
The player recieving the cash
amount STRING
The amount to send - use 'm' to send max
Help Text

Send money to a friend!

Tax is charged based on the combined sales tax of both you and the player you're sending money to.

Call without arguments to see your max send/receive limits and tax.

Supports max as the amount which will send the smallest value from:

  • your max send limit
  • their max receive limit
  • your current cash

You will always be given a 'Send Cash' button to click and only you can send the cash

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot send [idOrMention <amount>]
@Rocket Gambling Bot transfer [idOrMention <amount>]
@Rocket Gambling Bot give [idOrMention <amount>]

@Rocket Gambling Bot send
@Rocket Gambling Bot send @mention 10000
@Rocket Gambling Bot send 123123123123123 10000
shop_type STRING
The type of shop to show
page STRING (optional)
The page to show
Help Text

Buy and sell items in the shop.

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot shop [<mine | items | credits>] <page>
@Rocket Gambling Bot s [<mine | items | credits>] <page>

@Rocket Gambling Bot shop
@Rocket Gambling Bot shop mine
Help Text

Spin the wheel of fortune to win a random item!

You can spin the wheel every 2 hours and the odds of finding a random item are twice that of randomly finding items finding games!

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot spin 
@Rocket Gambling Bot randomItem 
detailed STRING (optional)
Show exact expiry times for cooldowns
Help Text

Show the the site voting instructions and your current cooldowns for voting.

The cooldowns are purely informational - if the site lets you vote, you'll get the reward.

You can vote every 12 hours on all three links to get three rewards!

Vote rewards

  • Cash: 100,000 * player level
  • 10 * player level
  • 5 * player level
  • 2 * player level

E.g. for a player that is level 5, they get 500,000 %{cashmoji}, 50 and so on.

Vote Streak
Every 7 days of voting (21 votes) your reward multiplier is tripled (for one vote).

Every 21 votes increases the base reward multiplier by 1.

So on vote 42, you'd get x6 reward. On vote 43, you'd get x2 vote reward.

Weekend Voting
Voting for the bot on 'the weekend' on counts as 2 votes so your reward then will be doubled. This combines with the vote streak. calculates what 'the weekend' as Friday - Sunday in their timezone

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot vote [detailed | d]
@Rocket Gambling Bot v [detailed | d]

@Rocket Gambling Bot vote
@Rocket Gambling Bot vote detailed
@Rocket Gambling Bot v
@Rocket Gambling Bot v d
Help Text

Collect your weekly ration of cash.

This will be a random amount between 5,000 - 10,000 (multiplied by your cash multiplier if you donated)

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot weekly 
@Rocket Gambling Bot supporter 
Help Text

Collect your hard earned wages at work.

This will be a random amount between 100 - 500 (multiplied by your cash multiplier if you donated)

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot work 
@Rocket Gambling Bot wk 
@Rocket Gambling Bot w 
Help Text

Collect your yearly ration of cash.

This will be a random amount between 10,000,000 - 50,000,000 (multiplied by your cash multiplier if you donated)

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot yearly 
@Rocket Gambling Bot godlike 
type STRING (optional)
The type of pack to craft leave blank to see menu
amount STRING (optional)
The amount to craft - Use 'm' for max
Help Text

Craft packs to use when buying new units or research!

Available packs:

  • tech pack
  • utility pack
  • production pack

Call $craft to see the items you can craft!

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot craft [<amount> <itemId>]
@Rocket Gambling Bot cft [<amount> <itemId>]

@Rocket Gambling Bot craft
@Rocket Gambling Bot craft 1 tech
@Rocket Gambling Bot craft 1 tp
@Rocket Gambling Bot craft 1 utility pack
Help Text

Dig in the mines to collect coal, ores and unprocessed materials (UM)!

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot dig 
@Rocket Gambling Bot d 
Help Text

Shows your mining inventory

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot inventory 
@Rocket Gambling Bot inv 
@Rocket Gambling Bot i 

@Rocket Gambling Bot inventory
@Rocket Gambling Bot inv
@Rocket Gambling Bot i
Help Text

Shows the information about your mine and the mine shop.

Call $mine to view your stats
Call $mine shop to view the mining unit shop
Call $mine buy <number> <unitId> to buy something from the unit shop

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot mine 
@Rocket Gambling Bot m 

@Rocket Gambling Bot mine
@Rocket Gambling Bot m
Help Text

Process all your unprocessed materials (UM) to find diamonds, emeralds, lapis and redstone!

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot process 
@Rocket Gambling Bot p 
@Rocket Gambling Bot pr 
Help Text

Start your mining career! Takes an optional name (uses your username if nothing is passed in)

Call it any time to update your name.

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot startMine 
@Rocket Gambling Bot start 
upgrade_id STRING (optional)
The upgrade to buy
amount STRING (optional)
The amount to buy - does not support `max` or `all` must be a number
Help Text

Upgrade your mining units

Help Text

The command used to clear all of your data from the bot. Use this if you want to start from scratch

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot deleteMyData 
Help Text

Shares a link to donate to the bot

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot donate 

@Rocket Gambling Bot donate
@Rocket Gambling Bot donate paypal
@Rocket Gambling Bot donate patreon
command_name STRING (optional)
The command to look up. Start typing to search for a command
Help Text

Show the help for all the commands available in the bot

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot help [<command> | <alias> | bets | guild | player | games]
@Rocket Gambling Bot h [<command> | <alias> | bets | guild | player | games]
@Rocket Gambling Bot wtf [<command> | <alias> | bets | guild | player | games]

@Rocket Gambling Bot help
@Rocket Gambling Bot help help
@Rocket Gambling Bot help connectFour
@Rocket Gambling Bot help c4
Help Text

Shares the details of how to add the bot

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot invite 
Help Text

Shows a selection of bot stats including ping, player count, guild count etc.

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot stats 
@Rocket Gambling Bot ping 
@Rocket Gambling Bot status 
@Rocket Gambling Bot about 
@Rocket Gambling Bot info 
@Rocket Gambling Bot owner 
Help Text

Shares a link to the support server

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot support 
Help Text

Setup the config for your guild. You must be the guild owner or an admin added to a guild.

To add and remove admins:

$gc adminIds add <discordId>
$gc adminIds delete <discordId>

To update the other values:

$gc prefix <prefixValue>
$gc prefix delete

adminIds - The Id of users that are allowed to modify the guild config. Does not give them any additional powers.

prefix - The bot prefix to use. Prefix must be 5 characters or less.

channel: The channel for Rocket to respond in. If set, it will ignore all other commands in other channels. Must be a valid channel Id.

nickname: The bot nickname. Equivalent to manually setting the nickname. Must be 24 characters or less

forceCommands: Whether to force the use of commands instead of reactions in your guild. [true | false]

cashName: The name for the cash in your guild. Only available to donators. Must be 24 characters or less

cashmoji: The emoji for the cash in your guild. Only available to donators. Must be a single emoji

channel1 STRING (optional)
A channel to use. Leave blank to allow in all channels
channel2 STRING (optional)
An additional channel to use (optional)
channel3 STRING (optional)
An additional channel to use (optional)
channel4 STRING (optional)
An additional channel to use (optional)
channel5 STRING (optional)
An additional channel to use (optional)
Help Text

Setup the config for your guild. You must be the guild owner or an admin added to a guild.

To add and remove admins:

$gc adminIds add <discordId>
$gc adminIds delete <discordId>

To update the other values:

$gc prefix <prefixValue>
$gc prefix delete

adminIds - The Id of users that are allowed to modify the guild config. Does not give them any additional powers.

prefix - The bot prefix to use. Prefix must be 5 characters or less.

channel: The channel for Rocket to respond in. If set, it will ignore all other commands in other channels. Must be a valid channel Id.

nickname: The bot nickname. Equivalent to manually setting the nickname. Must be 24 characters or less

forceCommands: Whether to force the use of commands instead of reactions in your guild. [true | false]

cashName: The name for the cash in your guild. Only available to donators. Must be 24 characters or less

cashmoji: The emoji for the cash in your guild. Only available to donators. Must be a single emoji

Add an admin ID
Help Text

Setup the config for your guild. You must be the guild owner or an admin added to a guild.

To add and remove admins:

$gc adminIds add <discordId>
$gc adminIds delete <discordId>

To update the other values:

$gc prefix <prefixValue>
$gc prefix delete

adminIds - The Id of users that are allowed to modify the guild config. Does not give them any additional powers.

prefix - The bot prefix to use. Prefix must be 5 characters or less.

channel: The channel for Rocket to respond in. If set, it will ignore all other commands in other channels. Must be a valid channel Id.

nickname: The bot nickname. Equivalent to manually setting the nickname. Must be 24 characters or less

forceCommands: Whether to force the use of commands instead of reactions in your guild. [true | false]

cashName: The name for the cash in your guild. Only available to donators. Must be 24 characters or less

cashmoji: The emoji for the cash in your guild. Only available to donators. Must be a single emoji

Add an admin ID
Help Text

Setup the config for your guild. You must be the guild owner or an admin added to a guild.

To add and remove admins:

$gc adminIds add <discordId>
$gc adminIds delete <discordId>

To update the other values:

$gc prefix <prefixValue>
$gc prefix delete

adminIds - The Id of users that are allowed to modify the guild config. Does not give them any additional powers.

prefix - The bot prefix to use. Prefix must be 5 characters or less.

channel: The channel for Rocket to respond in. If set, it will ignore all other commands in other channels. Must be a valid channel Id.

nickname: The bot nickname. Equivalent to manually setting the nickname. Must be 24 characters or less

forceCommands: Whether to force the use of commands instead of reactions in your guild. [true | false]

cashName: The name for the cash in your guild. Only available to donators. Must be 24 characters or less

cashmoji: The emoji for the cash in your guild. Only available to donators. Must be a single emoji

emoji STRING
The emoji to set
Help Text

Setup the config for your guild. You must be the guild owner or an admin added to a guild.

To add and remove admins:

$gc adminIds add <discordId>
$gc adminIds delete <discordId>

To update the other values:

$gc prefix <prefixValue>
$gc prefix delete

adminIds - The Id of users that are allowed to modify the guild config. Does not give them any additional powers.

prefix - The bot prefix to use. Prefix must be 5 characters or less.

channel: The channel for Rocket to respond in. If set, it will ignore all other commands in other channels. Must be a valid channel Id.

nickname: The bot nickname. Equivalent to manually setting the nickname. Must be 24 characters or less

forceCommands: Whether to force the use of commands instead of reactions in your guild. [true | false]

cashName: The name for the cash in your guild. Only available to donators. Must be 24 characters or less

cashmoji: The emoji for the cash in your guild. Only available to donators. Must be a single emoji

The name to set
Help Text

Setup the config for your guild. You must be the guild owner or an admin added to a guild.

To add and remove admins:

$gc adminIds add <discordId>
$gc adminIds delete <discordId>

To update the other values:

$gc prefix <prefixValue>
$gc prefix delete

adminIds - The Id of users that are allowed to modify the guild config. Does not give them any additional powers.

prefix - The bot prefix to use. Prefix must be 5 characters or less.

channel: The channel for Rocket to respond in. If set, it will ignore all other commands in other channels. Must be a valid channel Id.

nickname: The bot nickname. Equivalent to manually setting the nickname. Must be 24 characters or less

forceCommands: Whether to force the use of commands instead of reactions in your guild. [true | false]

cashName: The name for the cash in your guild. Only available to donators. Must be 24 characters or less

cashmoji: The emoji for the cash in your guild. Only available to donators. Must be a single emoji

emoji STRING
The emoji to set
Help Text

Setup the config for your guild. You must be the guild owner or an admin added to a guild.

To add and remove admins:

$gc adminIds add <discordId>
$gc adminIds delete <discordId>

To update the other values:

$gc prefix <prefixValue>
$gc prefix delete

adminIds - The Id of users that are allowed to modify the guild config. Does not give them any additional powers.

prefix - The bot prefix to use. Prefix must be 5 characters or less.

channel: The channel for Rocket to respond in. If set, it will ignore all other commands in other channels. Must be a valid channel Id.

nickname: The bot nickname. Equivalent to manually setting the nickname. Must be 24 characters or less

forceCommands: Whether to force the use of commands instead of reactions in your guild. [true | false]

cashName: The name for the cash in your guild. Only available to donators. Must be 24 characters or less

cashmoji: The emoji for the cash in your guild. Only available to donators. Must be a single emoji

The name to set
Help Text

Setup the config for your guild. You must be the guild owner or an admin added to a guild.

To add and remove admins:

$gc adminIds add <discordId>
$gc adminIds delete <discordId>

To update the other values:

$gc prefix <prefixValue>
$gc prefix delete

adminIds - The Id of users that are allowed to modify the guild config. Does not give them any additional powers.

prefix - The bot prefix to use. Prefix must be 5 characters or less.

channel: The channel for Rocket to respond in. If set, it will ignore all other commands in other channels. Must be a valid channel Id.

nickname: The bot nickname. Equivalent to manually setting the nickname. Must be 24 characters or less

forceCommands: Whether to force the use of commands instead of reactions in your guild. [true | false]

cashName: The name for the cash in your guild. Only available to donators. Must be 24 characters or less

cashmoji: The emoji for the cash in your guild. Only available to donators. Must be a single emoji

enabled BOOLEAN
Whether the update messages are enabled
Help Text

Setup the config for your guild. You must be the guild owner or an admin added to a guild.

To add and remove admins:

$gc adminIds add <discordId>
$gc adminIds delete <discordId>

To update the other values:

$gc prefix <prefixValue>
$gc prefix delete

adminIds - The Id of users that are allowed to modify the guild config. Does not give them any additional powers.

prefix - The bot prefix to use. Prefix must be 5 characters or less.

channel: The channel for Rocket to respond in. If set, it will ignore all other commands in other channels. Must be a valid channel Id.

nickname: The bot nickname. Equivalent to manually setting the nickname. Must be 24 characters or less

forceCommands: Whether to force the use of commands instead of reactions in your guild. [true | false]

cashName: The name for the cash in your guild. Only available to donators. Must be 24 characters or less

cashmoji: The emoji for the cash in your guild. Only available to donators. Must be a single emoji

Help Text

Shows the latest updates for the bot, changed every time the bot is updated

Alternatives to slash commands
@Rocket Gambling Bot updates 
@Rocket Gambling Bot announcements 
@Rocket Gambling Bot announce 

About: Rocket Gambling Bot

Rocket Gambling Bot is exactly what you'd expect. It has all the main casino games including Blackjack, Texas Hold'em, Roulette and more!

You can compete with your friends to get the top score on the leaderboards, earn achievements, experience points, virtual cash, find and buy swag in the shop (there are leaderboards for owning these too!)

Rocket Gambling Bot has the most gambling games of any bot on discord, with more and more added based on suggestions and requests!


Rocket Gambling Bot will be the best gambling bot on Discord.

It will have the most requested features like adding multiplayer and player-versus-player games and contain everything you need to make your discord server into a veritable virtual casino.

Guide: Rocket Gambling Bot

Interacting with the bot

The bot uses slash commands (e.g. /profile) and pinging with @Rocket Gambling Bot.

Each slash command shows the options you can pass to them, with some being required and some being optional.

How to play

To play with the bot, use any of the game commands (see the COMMANDS tab for the list)

Players start with 1,000 cash and level 0.

The bot uses a global economy so you can play in any server using the same profile.

Most (soon to be all) games support betting your hard earned cash, with an allin option to bet all your cash in the hopes to win big!

There's no level cap so you can play endlessly and nobody can be at the top of any leaderboard 'forever' (provided you don't hit the database cap... heh)

Play games, win cash, get to the top of the leaderboards!

Server and player perks can be purchased by donating to give you and/or your server an edge against the competition!

Every command in the bot has a help page. Call /help <name of command> (e.g. /help blackjack) to see the page, it will show any aliases that you can use when pinging with @Rocket Gambling Bot and some examples of how to use the command. You can also @Rocket Gambling Bot help blackjack

Note: the help is currently tailored for the @Rocket Gambling Bot ping variation as opposed to slash commands but there's no difference between either option so choose which you prefer. If you see any mentions of $someCommand just calling @Rocket Gambling Bot someCommand instead will work (e.g. @Rocket Gambling Bot replaced the old prefix of $ which is no longer supported)

Getting Started

# View your profile

# Flip a coin

# Play some blackjack

# Get free money

# Get more free money and credit by voting

# Get _even more_ money and perks for making money faster

# Show the shop
/shop credit
/shop item

# Buy stuff
/buy boost
/buy item

# Show or activate your boosts
/boosts show
/boosts use

Getting started: Crypto Mine

The mine is a side-game added to keep you entertained in between game cooldowns or just to compete with friends.

# Start your crypto mine

# Dig in the mine every minute

# Craft some packs to buy units

# View the mine shop
/shop mine

# Buy units to expand your mine
/buy unit

# Upgrade your miners
/upgrade miner

Understanding the command help

To view all the available commands, you can call /help.

The help is linked to the COMMANDS tab on this website which is searchable and easier to use than /help

Commands look like this in the help:

@Rocket Gambling Bot commandName <bet> [hard]
@Rocket Gambling Bot commandName <bet> [<optionalBet>]

Arguments wrapped in [] are optional. Anything not wrapped in these must be passed in for the command to work.

Arguments wrapped in <> are where you can pass a value in, e.g. <bet> would be where you put 1000

In the case where you have [hard | h] this indicates an optional hard mode for the game with slightly increased difficulty in exchange for better odds.

Slash commands assist in this and tell you whether the argument is optional and, if it has a fixed number of choices, will present you with those choices (e.g. you will be able to choose Easy or Hard mode for the hard argument)

For example:

@Rocket Gambling Bot blackjack <bet> [hard | h]

You could call:

/blackjack 100
/blackjack 100 hard
/blackjack 100 h

In some cases, arguments are required as strings:

/coinFlip <heads|tails> <bet>

In this case, you can use:

/coinflip heads 100
/coinflip tails 100

Every command help page has examples that show the various different ways to use the command.

Bets and number arguments

All of the games in the bot support the same values for bets, as well as the shop and any other command that expects a number as an argument (like /craft).

You can bet using max (or m) to bet your Betting Maximum indicated by /me. You can also buy the maximum number of an item that you can afford, or sell the number of an item that you have using max or m as the count.

If you have less than your betting allowance, it will use all your current cash.

When betting, you can add the following letters after your bet as a shortcut for large numbers.

E.g. 1k = 1,000
y  = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
z  = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
e  = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000
p  = 1,000,000,000,000,000
t  = 1,000,000,000,000
g  = 1,000,000,000
m  = 1,000,000
k  = 1,000

All games and commands expect numbers as whole, positive numbers.

Fractional numbers will be rounded down.

Earning money

Cash Commands

The simplest way to earn money in the bot is via the various cash commands.

You can call /work to get some cash every 10 minutes, and /daily every day (resets at midnight regardless of when you called it)

Donators can get access to /overtime as well as /weekly, /monthly and /yearly.

You can see the commands you have access to as well as when they are ready on /cooldowns (/c)


If you don't mind watching a few ads, you can vote for the bot to get 100,000 x your player level.

Voting consecutively without a gap of more than 48 hours between votes will increase the multiplier.

Each 21st vote will be a 3x multipler, which stacks with your streak multipler.

Assuming you are level 1, the following cash reward table shows what you could receive by chaining votes:

Vote NumberMultiplerReward
22 - 412x200,000
43 - 623x300,000
64 - 834x400,000

If you vote on all 3 links every 12 hours, you can get 21 votes every 3.5 days. Voting on all three links once per day will take a week.

At level one voting every 12h, you could earn 23,000,000, level 2 would be 46,000,000 and so on! also offers double votes on weekends for bot votes (Friday - Sunday). As they offer double votes, the bot offers double rewards.

This means that if you voted for the bot using on the weekend for your 84th vote, you could get a 24x multiplier!

Time your bot votes on weekends and you can make a large amount of money reasonably quickly!


A weekly lottery runs in the bot and is drawn at 11:00 Saturdays (London Time).

The starting value is 1,000,000 which is set immediately after the draw.

Every player can buy 1,000 tickets (each costing 1,000). Every ticket purchased increases the prize pot by 50,000

Buy tickets with /buy lotto X - As with all buy commands you can use max or a number to select the amount to buy.

When the draw is complete, the winner is posted in #lottery on the support server and sent a DM to tell them the winnings (you need the 'Allow direct messages from server members' enabled for this to work)

Earning XP

XP can be earned two ways:

  • Winning gambles
  • Earning Achievements

Each gamble win provides your winning cash, as well as an amount of XP. This differs for each game, although most currently give 100 per win.

You can see your current XP and player level with /profile

Achievements also exist to bolster your XP and are the fastest way to get it. There are achievements for gambling, earning cash and buying/finding items.

You can see your achievements with /profile achievements and item achievements with /profile achievements items

Each achievement has a current / target as well as a progress bar indicating your percentage to the target.

Every achievement earned grants 100xp. Generally these come in one at a time but when placing large bets with allIn it's common to get several achievements at once (e.g for cash earned).


Rocket has a leaderboard for everything. Gambling, items, mining, you name it there's a leaderboard.

See all the available leaderboards with /leaderboard

Show a leaderboard for your server with /leaderboard <id> (e.g /leaderboard blackjack). Use this to compete among friends in your server for the top spot!

Show a global leaderboard with /leaderboard <id> g (e.g. /leaderboard blackjack g). Global rankings is based on every player using the bot - compete for the coveted top spots!


Now that you have some cash, what do you do with it?!


You can see the full list of gambles available in the bot with /help games.

The list shows the commands you can call to play the games, as well as aliases for the command.

Type the command and gamble away!

Game Guides

I promise I'll actually write these at some point 😬